I'm running the London Marathon 2010 for ChildLine

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

A much better run today

I was feeling pretty despondent after the weekend run, but today I had more or less recovered so was up for the challenge again.  My wife was working late, so I really had no excuse to not go out.

All in all, the run was much better than the run on Saturday.  I did just under 15 miles on this occasion, but the important thing is that I really felt I could have carried on.  Also, I got around without stopping, so I am really pleased.  I don't mind saying that I'm writing this with a freshly poured, ice cold beer within easy reach, as a kind of mini-celebration!

Interestingly, the run this evening was at a noticeably slower pace than my normal running pace (not including Saturday's run).  I normally seem to be running at around 9min-9 1/2 minute miles, but today's was up around 10 1/2 minute miles.  This wasn't a conscious decision on my part, but I know I was taking it easy as I wanted to get the miles in if I could.  Also, even though I put Saturday's effort down as a bad run, it was only marginally slower than today's, even though I did literally stop and walk 3 or 4 times on Saturday.  However, I feel a lot better after today's run, so I know which run I prefer out of the two!  Also, the weather today was much colder, which I think helps me alot as I don't have to drink as much.

This evening there was a local running club out.  There were some guys in there that were very quick....literally probably twice as quick as me, which is a little humbling.  Everyone has their own pace though, I suppose.

One minor setback was that today I did suffer from the dreaded joggers nipple.  Don't worry, I won't be posting any pictures....  I've had it before and it is quite painful, but it's not too bad on this occasion.

As an aside, the gels and gel belt that I ordered from eBay on Sunday arrived this morning, which is a great service.  I used a couple of the gels today, to see what they were like.  I'm not sure if they helped me today in comparison to Saturday, or not.  I wanted to try them though as some people do suffer stomach issues with these, but luckily I didn't today.  I think I'll order a few more.

(By the way, I'm not sure why there are random extra line breaks in this post....apologies for that)

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