I'm running the London Marathon 2010 for ChildLine

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Another LSR under my belt

Got another Long Slow Run in today (nearly 16 miles), so I'm quite pleased.  I mentioned in my last post that I missed a session last week, so I had to run today and yesterday.  I don't usually like running on consecutive days, but I had to this week.

There is a lot of debate about the LSR, and the fact that the phrase has the word 'slow' in it isn't really helpful, because the LSR isn't about speed...it's about mile building.  As well as being a physical challenge, it is also a mental one and you have to learn how to run for 3, 4 or 5 hours.  There will be ups and downs along the way, but the LSR's help as you practice going through those ups and downs.

I was a bit worried at around only 4.5 miles as I pulled up with a bad pain in my right knee.  I stopped and stretched it out, and it felt okay so I carried on.  I think, in fairness, my LSR pace may end up actually being my race pace.  As I've said on a number of occasions, my goal is to get around, so I want to try and avoid injuries for the next two weeks.  Not long to go now, with only 2 or 3 more weeks of "serious" training left, before tapering.

I went out with my wife's running playlist on the iPod today, and there are some great songs on her list.  We like similar music, but she has some totally different songs on her iPod.  It turns out that I may be pinching a few tracks for my playlist!
  • Midlife Crisis by Faith No More.  I used to love this band, and this song in particular.  I actually listened to this about 5 times today on my run.  Not sure why it was good to run to, but I found my self singing along to the lyrics: "You're perfect yes, it's true.  But without me you're only you.  Your menstruating heart....it ain't bleeding enough for two."  Great song.  There are rumours they're playing at this years Download rock festival, but it's not confirmed from my quick Google this morning.
  • Irresistible Force (just audio, no video with this one) by Inspiral Carpets.  This was the first "proper" band that I went to see, when I was 15/16 (getting on for nearly 20 years ago....eeek!).  We went to Glastonbury a few years ago and they were one of the opening acts, but they had lost that 'certain something' by that time, unfortunately.
  • Heavyweight Champion of the World, by Reverend and the Makers.  No story with this one, but it was quite good to plod along to.
The weather was good today, which helped.  There used to be a time when on a nice, fine morning I'd be off out in the car for a drive before the roads got too busy.  I hope those days will be back with me again soon as this morning the first thing that went through my mind was "must get out for a run...".

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