Congratulations!!! It's over and by Wednesday, the pain will be gone(It's gonna hurt like hell until then)! Hopefully, I can join you in London next year!!!
This Blog is about me preparing for and (hopefully) actually running, the London Marathon in 2010!
Those that know me will know that this is a big challenge for me. I've ran three half marathons before and after each one I've thought to myself that people who run full marathons must be totally bonkers.....but here I am!
I'll try and keep it updated regularly with updates of training, any diet tips (eat less, train more probably won't help much in those cold, winter, rainy months), anything I find to help keep me motivated and updates of how any fundraising is going.
Speaking of which.....
Fundraising for ChildLine and NSPCC
I work for BT and as you may know, BT has been involved with supporting ChildLine for many years. Recently, NSPCC took over the running of ChildLine. Every year, BT secures a number of places for employees wishing to run the London marathon and I (stupidly?) filled out a form some time ago. I found out at the start of September that I had a provisional place and had email confirmation on the 22nd September that I was on the team.
Please go to my JustGiving site to donate. The target is a tough but achieveable one of £1800 being pledged to the charity.
JustGiving Site
Days left.....
Track my progress!
I have a RunSaturday account, which shows my routes (via Google Maps and Google Earth), heart rate, distances travelled, speed etc. Click on the RunSaturday link and then choose 'analyse training' to see my progress.
Congratulations!!! It's over and by Wednesday, the pain will be gone(It's gonna hurt like hell until then)! Hopefully, I can join you in London next year!!!