I'm running the London Marathon 2010 for ChildLine

Tuesday 17 November 2009

First run out since injury

First run out since my calf injury, and it was great to be out again!  I only did about 48-mins (4.3 miles) at lunch time and it was really good to get out.  Looking at RunSaturday is interesting.  I wasn't pushing it this lunchtime, as I was easing myself back in, but my pace seems to have gone up and my average heart rate down a little bit.
Todays run:
Pace: 8mins 54secs
Av HR: 170

29th Oct run:
Pace: 9mins 42secs
Av HR: 175

It's not a true reflection as the routes on the two sessions were different, but interesting anyway.

I have lost a few pounds since I've only been doing gym work, which is another motivation for me to keep up the membership.  I've lost 6 pounds over the last 2 or 3 weeks, which is a great side effect of this training!  My aim is to get to 14st (or slighty below), if I can....I'm currently at 14st 7.

I'm a member of the Virgin London Marathon Facebook Group and there is lots of good stuff going on on there, along with the Virgin emails that are sent every so often too.  One recent discussion on the Facebook group was from someone who is suffering with knee pain, and an orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in knees replied with a lot of advice, including:
If you are overweight lose a few pounds. This...will reduce the forces across the knee by up to 10 fold. So every one pound off the waist is equivalent to [up to]10 pounds off your knees while running.  Less weight on the knees = less pain in the knees.

Whether that is strcitly accurate or not I'm not sure.  However, losing weight is definately a motivator in terms of me getting into a bit better shape for this event, and keeping up the training.  I'm pleased with how the training is going (apart from the injury I had), so fingers crossed I'll keep it up.

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