I'm running the London Marathon 2010 for ChildLine

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Calf seems to be getting better, plus brekkie!

Another gym session today which included a small run on the treadmill for 10-mins.  My calf injury seems to be clearing up a bit so I really hope that I'll be back on the road soon.  There's still time to make my 13-mile November target.....!

Where I work, there are some really good internal newsgroups that cover all types of things from general ramblings to specific things like cycling, home entertainment, cars etc.  Someone posted something about feeling peckish before lunch on the cyclist newsgoup and a sub-thread started about the merrits of porridge (yes, porridge!!) for brekkie.  As a kid, I used to love porridge so I thought I'd give it a go again.  I bought some Sainsbury's own porridge (I think it was something like 50p for 500g, where 50g is a single portion) and I'm having that in the mornings now, and I'm really enjoying it!  Everyone seems to have a favourite porridge 'recipe', but mine is pretty simple.  It's porridge mixed with semi-skimmed milk, cooked on the hob (microwaved porridge didn't taste 'right' somehow....I did try), with a dollop of honey.  Gorgeous!

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