I'm running the London Marathon 2010 for ChildLine

Saturday, 12 December 2009

14.5 miles today ! Furthest I've ever ran....so far.

I haven't been out as much as I'd have liked to recently, because my wife hasn't been very well for the last couple of weeks.  However, it was a really nice morning today, although it was very cold, so I thought I'd go out for a run.

I was feeling great for the first 8 miles or so, so decided to push on and ended up doing 14.5 miles, which is the most I've ever ran!  Therefore, today is a bit of a milestone for me.  It wasn't too bad, although I was very tired at the end.  I have tweaked my left knee a little bit, but I think it'll be fine.  My pace was pretty slow today, but it's the miles I'm concerned about rather than the pace.  There's obviously alot I still have to do to be able to run the full marathon, but today was a good session so I'm very pleased.

There were lots of other runners out today.  I saw one Dad who had obviously recently had a baby.  He was all dressed up in his running gear, running along the street and pushing a pram!  That's dedication.  There were also a couple of runners out running with their dogs.....

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